Internal Opportunities
Development Opportunities
CHFT is committed to supporting the professional growth and development of its workforce to 'grown our own'. Workforce planning is vital to our strategy to ensure we not only cover all service areas, but that we provide a balance between bringing in fresh blood and nurturing our existing talent.
It is for this reason that clinical and non-clinical departments work closely with each other to develop robust strategies to ensure that all colleagues are given the opportunity to grow within their roles, and into new roles, as they require.
The Apprenticeship Strategy ensures that all Band 2 vacancies are reviewed to see if they would be suitable for an Apprentice
Band 2 vacancies are initially reviewed with existing apprentices (nearing or at successful completion) in mind
All Band 3 and 4 vacancies are initially only available to internal candidates to support development from lower bands.
There are also apprenticeship opportunities for internal colleagues, at all bands. Please see the Apprenticeship & Widening Participation Section for more guidance on apprenticeships.
Please remember - Internal colleagues are able to apply for any of our vacancies, including any externally advertised. You will go through the same recruitment processes as external candidates, ensuring a fair and transparent recruitment process for all.
Contract types available
If the role is permanent, this means that a permanent change will be made to the terms and conditions of employment.
A secondment is a temporary change to the terms and conditions of employment which can be used to support colleagues with development opportunities. Posts are likely to be advertised as fixed term / secondment and cover a variety of durations. Please ensure you review the CHFT Secondment Policy if you are considering a secondment.
Apprenticeships are usually offered for a period of 12 to 24 months. The terms and conditions of employment will change for the duration of the apprenticeship, and the Trust will endeavour to place the individual in a relevant role upon successful completion of the apprenticeship commensurate with the level attained.
The process for applying internally for a vacancy or an apprenticeship is much the same as applying to join the Trust. All vacancies will be advertised, and colleagues will need to submit an application.
Applications will be shortlisted, interviews will be held and offers made. The Recruitment Service will carry out a number of checks before the role will be offered on an unconditional basis and the colleague is able to move into their new role.
Applying for a secondment may be slightly different: the manager would discusses the opportunity with the individual in advance, and once the role was agreed this would progress through to the Recruitment Service who will complete a number of checks before issuing an amendment to contract for the duration of the secondment and confirm arrangement for any backfil as appropriate.
Internal Checks
The Recruitment Service will still conduct checks for all internal candidates. This is to ensure that all colleagues have upto date records in regards to right to work and DBS (including DBS Update Service) but also to ensure colleagues meet the requirements as stated on the new positions person specification.
Where documents are still relevant, the Recruitment Service will use these to complete the checks where possible to avoid the duplication. However where these documents are not held on file, out of date, or additional informaiton is required, the Recruitment Service will confirm to you directly so additional information can be provided.
Please note - a move into the new role will not be possible until these checks are completed. On completion your ESR will be updated, Payroll notified and an contract amendment issued. Any delays in providing this information could result in a delay in salary changes.
Retire and Return
Colleagues close to retirement are often our most experienced and highly skilled staff, so where possible we make every effort to retain staff. CHFT offers a Retire and Return path for those at retirement age through our Retirement Policy. Dependent on business needs, you may be able to retire, access your pension, and return to the same substantive role, or to a Bank Contract.
Please note that it is the individuals’ responsibility to verify any implication that returning will have on their pension.