Visiting, staying in touch and dropping off personal items

We have a person-centred approach to in-person visiting. We support our patients to receive visits from carers and people who are important to them.

Here is a summary of our information:

  • We can only accommodate two visitors per patient at any one time. If you wish for more than two people to visit, please speak to the nurse in charge.
  • In some of our wards, we do not recommend children visiting. If you wish to visit with a child under the age of 16, please speak to the nurse in charge. If visiting with children, please ensure that they are supervised at all times.
  • If a ward is very busy, there may be occasions when we  ask you to step out from time to time, to support patient care.

Please see the sections below for visiting guidance for different areas.

Support for Unpaid Carers. Within our hospitals we welcome carers outside of usual visiting times and they have the right to stay throughout the day or night on our wards. Read more in on our Supporting Unpaid Carers page.

How you can help us prevent the spread of infection

  • You are not required to wear a face mask when visiting our hospitals, however we still have these available should you wish to wear one.
  • Hand hygiene is essential in preventing the spread of infection, so please clean your hands with the alcohol gel provided when entering and leaving our wards/departments/hospitals/health centres.
  • We respectfully ask that you do not sit on the beds. We have plenty of chairs available for visitors.
  • Please do not visit if you are feeling unwell with symptoms such as a fever, diarrhoea, vomiting or a cough. It's our priority to protect our vulnerable patients and our staff and we thank you for your support. 

Adult inpatient wards

Our recommended visiting hours on our adult inpatient wards are between 10am and 8pm.

Accompanying a patient to A&E or our Same Day Emergency Care units

These departments are by their nature, generally very busy. We support patients to bring one accompanying person with them when attending these areas.

Visiting a patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

  • Visiting is recommended between 12pm and 4pm and again from 5pm to 7pm each day
  • Please speak to the nurse in charge if you wish to visit outside of these times






Visiting a child in hospital

  • We have a policy of 24-hour visiting for parents / guardians/ main carer, but only one parent is recommended to stay overnight unless their child is critically ill
  • Siblings and friends of the patient who are under 16 years can visit at the discretion of the patient / parent / guardian / carer at a time most appropriate.  The Nurse in Charge will support with identifying the most appropriate time
  • An adult must be present to supervise visiting friends who are under the age of 18 years


Maternity services

It is our priority to ensure that all pregnant women having their maternity care with us in hospital or in the community receive safe and personalised care. Our recommended visiting times policies are:

Antenatal / Postnatal appointments

  • Two support persons at booking appointment
  • One support person at all other antenatal appointments
  • Children under the age of 16 are not able to accompany women during ultrasound scan appointments

Induction of labour and elective C-Section

  • During induction of labour, one birth partner is welcome between 8am and 10pm, with any overnight visiting arrangements to be made on an individual basis with the patient, birth partner and Labour Ward Co-ordinator.
  • Up to two additional visitors are welcome between 2pm and 8pm.
  • For patients admitted to the ward between 9pm and 8am, birth partners will be supported to visit for a two-hour “settling in” period.

Labour and birth

  • Two birth partners are welcome throughout labour and birth
  • For women who require theatre, only one birth partner may accompany them in theatre

Antenatal and Postnatal wards

  • One birth partner recommended between 8am and 9pm
  • Two additional visitors between 2pm and 8pm
  • We recognise that siblings play an important role, so we welcome siblings onto the ward. Please ensure they are supervised at all times


Neonatal Unit visiting

  • Both parents (or nominated authorised person) are welcome to be with their baby 24-hours a day
  • Two visitors at the cot side welcomed daily between 8am and 8pm
  • We have quiet times between 12pm and 2pm daily which visitors are asked to respect. Visitors can remain in the day room during these times
  • We recognise that siblings play an important role, so we welcome them onto the ward. Please ensure they are supervised at all times

Attending outpatient appointments

  • Patients attending outpatient appointments (both children and adult) are welcome to be accompanied by two people during their visit
  • We ask patients not to arrive more than 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment time to reduce crowding within these areas

Patients who are receiving palliative or end-of-life care

We understand this can be a distressing time for families, loved ones and carers. We welcome you to spend time together outside of our recommended visiting times if the patient is receiving palliative or end-of-life care. Please speak to a member of staff about how we can support you.

Visiting charters

Each of our wards has a visitor charter at their entance. The charters set out guidelines that both staff and visitors need to adhere to, and explain what you can expect from us during your visit and what we would like from you in return.

Stay in touch using our Letter to a Loved One service

A dedicated way for relatives, friends or carers to post a message to their loved one who is currently an in-patient. We will deliver your messages between 10and 5pm Monday to Friday in the hope it will brighten their day and aid in their recovery – send your message here

Dropping off belongings

  • Please ensure all items are identified with the patient’s name
  • We ask that only essential items are brought onto hospital sites as patients have limited space at the bedside. We recommend things like personal toiletries, comfortable clothing for the daytime, pyjamas, slippers and a dressing gown. 
  • Please bring any medication that the patient takes at home.
  • If your relative has a mobile phone or tablet device then you may wish to bring one in, along with a charger. Please let the nurse in charge so we can add it to our patient belongings register
  • We are unable to store hot or cold food, so please do not bring perishables. If you wish to bring snack foods, please keep these to a minimum to ensure bedspaces do not become cluttered

Ward and Unit telephone telephone numbers

Here are our main ward telephone numbers. Should you not see a number you require, please call the switchboard:

  • Calderdale Royal Hospital 01422 357 171
  • Huddersfield Royal Infirmary 01484 342 000

Sometimes in exceptional circumstances we may temporarily close a ward - for example due to a COVID outbreak. We will make every effort to contact relatives prior to their next visit so they are aware. 

Calderdale Royal Hospital

Contact number

Coronory Care Unit01422 22 4262

1A Birth Centre

01422 22 2136


01422 22 3666


01422 22 3221


01422 22 3203


01422 22 2141


01422 22 3277


01422 22 4226


01422 22 4563


01422 22 4477


01422 22 4249


01422 22 4925


01422 22 3271

Gynae Assessment

01422 22 4979


01422 22 3501


01422 22 3502


01422 22 2540


01422 22 3504


01422 22 3248/3201


01422 22 3633


01422 22 3636


01422 22 4524

7A01422 22 3701


01422 22 3702


01422 22 3703


01422 22 3704


01422 22 3801


01422 22 3658


01422 22 3813


01422 22 2589

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary

Contact number

Discharge Lounge 

01484 34 2178

Frailty Same Day Emergency Care (Frailty SDEC)

01484 34 2028 / 3472 

Medical Same Day Emergency Care (Medical SDEC)

01484 35 5886

Ward 1 Surgical Assessment Unit Female

01484 34 2170

Ward 1 Surgical Assessment Unit Male

01484 34 2179

Ward 2 ICU

01484 34 2452/2453

Ward 4 Paedatrics

01484 34 2482

Ward 5 Geriatrics

01484 34 3636

Ward 6 Female

01484 34 3297

Ward 6 Male

01484 34 3296

Greenlea Unit (Chemotherapy)

01484 34 5068

Greenlea Unit (Oncology)

01484 34 3600

Ward 8 Acute Floor Clerk

01484 34 3345

Station 1

01484 34 5641

Station 2

01484 34 5644

Station 3

01484 34 5643

Ward 9 Male

01484 35 5295

Ward 9 Female

01484 35 5293

Ward 9 Reception

01484 35 5339

Ward 10

01484 35 5746

Ward 10 A Side

01484 35 5752

Ward 10 B Side

01484 35 5751

Ward 11 Ward Clerk

01484 34 3406

Ward 11 Male

01484 34 3429

Ward 11 Female 

01484 34 3430

Ward 12 Oncology/Haematology

01484 34 2475

Ward 14 

01484 34 7190

Ward 15 Elderly Male

01484 35 5606

Ward 15 Elderly Female

01484 35 5605

Ward 15 Elderly Ward Clerk

01484 35 5659

Ward 17 Gastroenterology - female

01484 35 5827

Ward 17 Gastroenterology - male01484 35 5830

Ward 18 Isolation Ward

01484 34 4202

Ward 19 Orthopaedics

01484 35 5944

Ward 20 Ward Clerk 

01484 34 2974

Ward 20 Complex Care Elderly Female

01484 34 2547

Ward 20 Complex Care Elderly Male

01484 34 2804

Ward 21 Orthopaedics Ward Clerk

01484 35 5804

Ward 21 Beds 1-8

01484 35 5803

Ward 21 Beds 9-18

01484 35 5802

Ward 22 Surgical Clerk

01484 34 4205

Ward 22 Surgical B Side 

01484 35 5262/5265

Ward 22 Surgical A Side 

01484 35 5263