Coronavirus - guidance and patient information

Learn more about the support you can reviceve: Support Available for People Living in Calderdale

Long-covid - information and other support in Calderdale and Kirklees

For some people, coronavirus (COVID-19) can cause symptoms that last weeks or months after the infection has gone. This is sometimes called post-COVID-19 syndrome or "long COVID".

How long it takes to recover from COVID-19 is different for everybody. Many people feel better in a few days or weeks, and most will make a full recovery within 12 weeks. But for some people, symptoms can last longer. Visit the NHS website to find out what the symptoms of long COVID are.

Helping you to manage your COVID-19 recovery at home

If you have had COVID-19, you may still have some physical symptoms, such as, breathlessness, a cough, and a lack of energy. You may also have psychological symptoms, such as feeling scared or anxious, depressed, having trouble sleeping and struggling to remember or concentrate.

These symptoms, both physical and psychological, are common. Your Covid Recovery is a NHS website designed to help people recover from the long-term effects of coronavirus. It includes information from experts about how to manage them and look after your health and wellbeing. It also includes information on returning to work, and a helpful section for family, friends and carers of people who are recovering.

Visit the Your Covid Recovery website

When to seek more help

If you are concerned about any of your symptoms and it has been four weeks or more since you became unwell with COVID, contact your GP and ask them about “long COVID.”

They should offer you an initial consultation and provide access to any further assessments or care they determine that you need, and signpost you to sources of further support.

You can find out more about the types of questions your GP will ask on the Your COVID Recovery website

It is normal for it to take several months to recover from a viral illness and often longer with COVID -19. However, if your symptomsare not starting to improve and your GP has found no other reason for them they can refer you to a specialist Post COVID assessment clinic.

What is a Post COVID assessment clinic?

The clinic brings together a wide range of healthcare professionals including doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists to offer both physical, psychological and rehabilitation needs assessments.

A member of the team will contact you initially to ask you about your symptoms and how they are affecting your everyday life. You will be required to complete some questionnaires before accessing the service, and there is some guidance for your GP on which tests should be completed before referring you.

Most people are then offered support from a number of services both physical and psychological which have been designed to support people suffering from Long COVID. Most people start to improve slowly after receiving support from the teams.

The Calderdale Post COVID assessment clinic is run by Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.

The Kirklees Post COVID assessment clinic is run by Locala Health & Wellbeing. 

This team will support the co-ordination of Post Covid patients, who have symptoms for 12 weeks or longer, and have been referred by their GP or hospital.  The MDT will refer people to those existing services that can best meet their needs.

Both services can only be accessed through a GP or hospital referral. This is to ensure that all required medical tests have been completed.

Under 18s would require a referral by GP to the Paediatric team at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. 

Additional support available in Calderdale

As well as accessing the support available through the NHS and your GP practice the following services may also be able to help in your recovery from COVID.

You can contact these services direct at any time during your recovery you do not need a referral from a health professional. 

Lifestyle support

  • Better Living Service- Offers support to help you improve your lifestyle such as physical activity and exercise, weight management 01422 230230

Support for your mental wellbeing

NHS Calderdale Talking Therapies for anxiety and depression is provided by:

Voluntary groups that can helping you feel less lonely and isolated

  • Calder Community Cares – 07903 452788 for people living in Upper Calder Valley area (Todmorden, Hebden Bridge, Mytholmroyd, Luddendenfoot, Cornholme)
  • Staying Well – 01422 392767

Practical information and advice to help you to live independently at home

Additional support available in Kirklees

Lifestyle support

Mental health support

Other supporting services

National guidance and other external information

General information from the NHS and other agencies:

NHS information and advice

Public Health England's guidance for protecting clinically vulnerable people from Covid-19