Elections to the Council of Governors 2024

Can I vote? What happens next?

We had a great response to our governor elections, and you can see the full list of nominations in the Statement of Nominations below.

We have contested vacancies in the Huddersfield Central and Lindley and the Valleys constituencies and ballot forms will be sent out by e-mail or post on 7 June to members who live in these constituencies. Click on this link to see the candidates for the two contested vacancies and why they think you should vote for them.

If you receive a ballot form, please don't miss your opportunity to vote - the successful candidate will act as your link with the Council of Governors and the Trust Board.

Here's a short video of our Chair, Helen, telling you why it's important to vote

Click this link to watch the video

Plain text showing nominee names and why they think you should vote for them

Huddersfield Central

Baljinder Kehla: Hardworking and driven individual with a wealth of experience built across varying sectors. Approachable, well reasoned and have an eye for detail.

Robert Markless: I’m committed to an NHS where patients from all communities come first and treated compassionately, fairly and with respect. I’ll act as a patient’s voice.

Charles Rapley: I have been a member of the CHT for 5 years and already have considerable knowledge of the workings of the trust

Sheila Taylor: Passionate about our local NHS Services.


Lindley and the Valleys

Denise Dransfield: As a well respected professional around Lindley and Colne Valley area, accessing CHFT for many years, I have a personal interest in the organisation’s future.

Anthony Thomas: I hope to represent you all to ensure that the CHFT is able to provide the best service to community and the hospital staff.

Key Dates

Wednesday 24 AprilNominations window opens
Wednesday 22 MayNominations window closes
Friday 7 JuneVoting opens where there are contested seats
Tuesday 2 JulyVoting closes
Wednesday 17 JulyResults formally announced at Annual Members Meeting

Formal Notices

Click here to see the Notice of Election

Click here to see the Statement of Nominations

Click here to see the Notice of Poll