
The Chaplaincy Team offer Pastoral and Spiritual Care to the hospital community including patients, families, visitors and staff at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.
The chaplains are involved in the provision of holistic care which is concerned with the whole person, including not only physical health but also social, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
Coming into hospital is often an anxious time for both patients and their families. The chaplains are available to spend time with anyone who needs a ‘listening ear’ or to talk things through.
We will respond to everyone who asks to see us, you do not have to follow a particular faith and we will always respect your background and beliefs. Members of the multi-faith chaplaincy team also provide training for staff and can offer help and support in the care of patients to support different religious and cultural needs.
Contacting the Chaplaincy Team
Please contact the chaplaincy team by calling either hospital switchboard and ask to be transferred to the chaplain on duty.
Calderdale Royal Hospital - 01422 357171
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary - 01484 342000
Normal duty times are Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm with chaplains on-call at other times.