The Chaplaincy Team

Susan Naughton - Lead Chaplain (Anglican)
Simon Habergham - Lay Chaplain (Anglican)
Zeenat Hussain - Muslim Chaplain
Please contact the chaplaincy team by calling either hospital switchboard and ask to be transferred to the chaplain on duty.
Calderdale Royal Hospital - 01422 357171
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary - 01484 342000
Normal duty times are Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm with chaplains on-call at other times.
If you would like to speak to a chaplain or refer a patient to the chaplaincy service, please obtain the patient and/or family's consent and contact the chaplains via either hospital switchboard. Please do not leave messages in the chaplaincy offices.
Requests for Visits and Patient Referrals
Patients and their families may contact the chaplains directly to request a visit.
Referrals may be made by:
- Family and friends.
- Healthcare staff.
- Clergy or community representatives at the request of the patient or their family.
Please provide the following information:
- The patient’s name and ward.
- The patient and/or family or carers consent to the visit.
- The faith community or Christian denomination required.
The co-ordinating chaplain on duty will assist (usually available Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm).Whenever possible staff should speak directly to the chaplain they require. Switchboard have a copy of the chaplaincy duty rota and contact details of the chaplains.
- Referrals and action taken are recorded in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) observing Information Governance measures regarding confidentiality and data protection.
- The record may include the nature of the referral, the patient’s faith standpoint and date of visits. We will record any particular ministry undertaken during ward visits or chapel visits.