The Patient Portal

At the end of March our patient portal will be provided by DrDoctor. This means that for a short time we're unable to accept new registrations.
You can apply to access your health records and more details are available on this webpage:
Appointments & Health records - CHFT (
If you are already registered to the current YourEPR patient portal please log in below.

Some information such as blood test results and letters can take up to 21 days to appear in the patient portal - this is because it has to be checked and submitted by a consultant first.
Log In
To the patient portal
What you can see on The Patient Portal
- Some copies of letters sent to your GP following an appointment at the hospital.
- Some information following a discharge from hospital.
- Selected blood test results once they have been authorised.
- Some hospital appointments.
- Some healthcare Information.
You may have agreed with your hospital clinician that you can go onto a Patient Initiated Follow Up Pathway (PIFU) this means you are more in control of your follow up treatment and care.
Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone over the age of 18 can register. You will need a private email address and be able to provide two forms of identification such as a bank statement or utility bill. Please click on 'Register' at the top of this page and then complete the consent form with your details.
After clicking on 'Register' at the top of this page you will be taken to complete a consent form. You will need to upload two types of letters or statements from different companies such as a bank statement and a utility bill. They will need to have your name and home address on them. We do not accept photo ID so do not use a passport or driving licence.
Alternatively you can bring paper copies of theses to your next hospital appointment.
Yes, it is totally secure. The patient portal system meets with all web security rules and provides you with the ability to securely view your health information. The patient portal is a password protected secure website. All messages are encrypted (put into code) to ensure security. Only people you have authorised, your care provider and our staff can view your information. To visit our full privacy policy visit: Website Policy - CHFT (
Once you have registered by completing the form either at your appointment or online via this website page you are then able to log in to view your record. You can do this from any device that has an internet connection such as a computer, tablet or smart phone.
You can give consent for others to manage the account, for example a carer or relative who helps manage your healthcare. It is important not to give anyone else permission to view your hospital record.
If you need help completing the registration process you can telephone the hospital clinic to request that a member of staff help you over the phone.
You will be able to see the following information:
- Your recorded allergies
- Future appointments
- Some blood test results
- Patient information leaflets
- Copies of letters that have been sent to your GP.
It is important to understand that it is not possible to show you your full medical record. This is because some information needs to be explained to you by a doctor or specialist first.
The GDPR 2018 gives you the right to access information we hold about you on our records. Requests must be made in writing to the Access to Health Records Department. The Trust will provide your information to you within one month (this can be extended dependent on the complexity of the request) from receipt of your application.