CHFT Digital Health Strategy 2020 - 2025
"Digital is key enabler in supporting clinical and non-clinical colleagues to provide the compassionate care for our patients"

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust (CHFT) is an integrated Trust providing acute and community health for the populations of Huddersfield and Calderdale.
The trust has invested heavily in digital in recent years making it one of the most Digital Advanced Trusts in the country. In the challenging times of the Coronavirus Pandemic Digital Solutions have supported our patients, our colleagues whilst working alongside our partners in delivering the highest quality of care. The current situation has driven us to accelerate projects at pace such as virtual clinics, components of voice recognition and nerve centre devices.
There has been rapid improvements in our infra-structure to enable colleagues to continue to work in an agile way.
The vision of CHFT is “together we will deliver outstanding compassionate care to the communities” digital is a key enabler in supporting clinical and non-clinical colleagues to provide compassionate care for our patients.
In providing one culture of care it is fundamentally important that patients and staff are supported on their own personal digital journey.
In formulating the strategy we engaged over 300 stakeholders this included patient forums, colleague and wider partners organisations through various engagement sessions. This feedback was invaluable and helped us shape the Digital Strategy.
Our Digital Future Section outlines the direction of travel and reflects the digital ambition of the trust. It also acknowledges that we operate in an eco-system with our partners benefiting from the digital advances we have made.
- Dr Owen Williams OBE