Purpose of Digital Strategy
Purpose and Scope of Digital Strategy
Calderdale and Huddersfield Foundation Trust Vision
The vision of CHFT is “together we will deliver outstanding compassionate care to the communities” digital is a key enabler in supporting clinical and non-clinical colleagues to provide compassionate care for our patients. It will empower us to work together and provide compassionate care in a virtual world.
In providing one culture of care it is fundamentally important that patients and staff are supported on their own personal digital journey. The Coronavirus Pandemic has driven us to accelerate our digital programmes we intend to use the learning from these rapid improvements in developing the strategic direction of this 2020-2025 Digital Health strategy set out in 4 key areas. Each one putting the patient at the centre of all we do.
✓Digital Journey – 2012 to 2020 and how CHFT has fundamentally change the way it delivers clinical services improving the quality and safety of patient care
✓National and Regional Context – Consideration will be given to external factors that will drive change from a digital perspective in line with NHS long term plan.
✓Business Intelligence – Making Data count. The knowledge portal will continue to drive the standard requirement for as much information as possible.
✓Our Digital Future – Our future direction of travel and the ongoing digital transformation as we prepare to reconfigure our services. The design of our building will incorporate the latest advancements in digital technology.
"The design of our building will incorporate the latest advancements in digital technology"

Priorities | We will do this by | This will result in: |
Digital technologies to improve the quality and reliability of clinical care |
Digital technologies to support early discharge of patients |
Adoption/Optimisation of current systems and hardware |
Make available to our staff an integrated healthcare system across the ICS and beyond |
Giving patient control over their care and protecting privacy |
To ensure our corporate workforce are digitally enabled to support clinical care through responsive and up to date technology |
Support the sustainability challenge |
The Board will champion the Digital Health Strategy that will enable the provision of high-quality care by investing in technology for innovation and transformation.
Embedding good governance around the strategy is vital. The monthly Digital Operational Group and Digital Health Forum will continue to report on and support the implementation of the projects relating to the digital strategy, including benefits realisation. The digital strategy will focus on the quality and safety of the care we provide to our patients that will ultimately drive efficiencies that will transform the way we deliver care and run our hospitals
The necessary investment plans will need to be aligned to capital, revenue expenditure and resourcing plans to ensure the success of the strategy. New investments will be prioritised. Initially high-level benefits criteria considered will include:
- Patient Outcomes
- Statutory Regulations
- Burning Platform
- Availability of Funding
As the Trust continues to open new digital opportunities, they will need to develop more robust processes around capturing the agreed benefits. The Trust has launched an engagement methodology, Digital Ways of Working (DWOW) that sets out to involve key stakeholders across the whole workflow that is about to be digitalised.
DWOW will help our workforce to understand the “as is” with a focus on the impact of the “to be” ultimately allowing those involved to support and lead how staff will transition through future digital change and capture benefits from the start. CHFTs strategy aims to achieve a CQC rating of outstanding by being recognized as a well-led and governed Trust whilst achieving financial sustainability.