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"The pathway is…
One Anastamosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB/Mini Bypass)
The OAGB is s a procedure to create a pouch (longer pouch than the RYGB) to reduce the size of your stomach. It works by decreasing the amount of…
Support to stop smoking - Calderdale
Calderdale Council's Better Living Service offer advice and support here.
Yorkshire Smokefree also offer a range of medications and face…
Breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women. It mostly occurs in older women and is uncommon under the age of 40. It is rare in men.
Referrals for this…
PSA is a protein made in the prostate gland. A PSA (Prostate-specific antigen) test is a blood test to help check for prostate conditions such as prostate cancer or an enlarged…
Having tests for prostate cancer
Treating Prostate Cancer - Questions & answers
Treating prostate Cancer - Questions & answers
Understanding the PSA test
Understanding early localised prostate…
Being asked to attend a breast clinic appointment
Your GP may refer you to a breast clinic if you have a symptom or breast change that needs…
Specialist palliative care (SPC) professionals are involved in a person’s management when a person’s needs cannot be fully met by the treating team, either in hospital or in community. They can…
Experts by Experience and Patient Safety Partners
We are seeking volunteers to join our Trust to strengthen how we can hear and use your feedback. These volunteers will be known as Experts by…
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