Specialist Palliative Care
Specialist palliative care (SPC) professionals are involved in a person’s management when a person’s needs cannot be fully met by the treating team, either in hospital or in community. They can review all aspects of a person’s care and offer advice and support to that person, to their carers, family, friends and to healthcare professionals involved in their care. In hospital and community, the overall care of that person remains under the treating team, with specialist palliative care offering advice and support. Those patients whose needs cannot be met in their own homes, care home, or in hospital, may benefit from admission to hospice, where a dedicated team can assess them and deliver specialist care.
The Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team supports patients in HRI and CRH. Patients referred to the service will be seen by this advisory clinical team who will assist the treating team in complex management. This may involve decision making, advocacy, medicines management or psychological, emotional or spiritual support. The SPCT will refer to the hospice for admission if this is appropriate
The Community Specialist Palliative Care Team based at Overgate Hospice delivers this service to patients in Calderdale community.
Patients in the community in Kirklees receive this service from the Kirkwood Hospice community palliative care team.
Both hospices provide a range of other specialist palliative care services to patients in Calderdale and Kirklees (see links to both hospices).
Contact details for Specialist Palliative Care Services:
Hospital Specialist Palliative Care Team (Monday – Friday 9am till 5pm) – 01484 342965
Calderdale Community Specialist Palliative Care Team (Monday – Friday 9am till 5pm) – 01422 310874
Kirkwood Hospice Community Palliative Care Team (Monday – Friday 8.30am till 4.30pm) – 01484 557910
Kirkwood Hospice – 01484 557900
Overgate Hospice – 01422 379151