Clinical research trials

The Haematology and Oncology Department is involved in many large research trials.
Trials are needed so that we can develop better cancer treatments. Any new treatment must work better than the standard treatments before we can use it. This can only be done through a carefully carried out research trial.
As part of your treatment, we may ask if you would like to help in a research trial. This may involve using a completely new treatment or looking at a way of improving standard treatment.
You do not have to take part in a research trial.If you do, you will be able to change your mind at any time and we will offer you the standard treatment.
If you don't want to take part in the trial, we will offer you standard treatment.
If you do want to take part, we will give you the phone number of one of the research nurses who will be able to discuss your treatment with you.
You can get independent advice on research trials from consumer groups. Please ask the research team for more information on this.