Oesophago gastro duodenoscopy (OGD/gastroscopy) discharge information
If you have had IV sedation (or throat spray and sedation) therefore you must:
- Have a responsible adult to care for you at home for 24 hours
- Have plenty of rest at home as the sedative can make you feel lethargic and tired
You must not:
- Drive a vehicle or motorcycle
- Drink alcohol, take recreational drugs or sleeping tablets
- Operate machinery or household equipment (kettle /cooker)
- Sign any legal documents
- Look after young children and dependents
If you have had throat spray you must not have anything to eat and drink for 30 minutes.
After this time try a small sip of water, if this does not make you cough or gag you can eat and drink normally.
If you do have coughing and gagging please wait a further 10-15 minutes and try again.
If you have had biopsies/tissue samples the results will be available in 6-8 weeks from your GP or referring consultant. These will not be available from the endoscopy department.
If your GP has referred you, please make sure your GP has received the biopsy results before you make an appointment.
However, this may be sooner if you are on a fast track suspected cancer pathway. Once the consultant has the biopsy results they will write to you or you will be invited to a clinic appointment.
After your procedure
You may experience:
- Sore throat that may last for 24-48 hours, this should be mild and settle quickly. Simple lozenges will help.
- You may have some bloating or stomach cramps or a feeling of fullness due to the air we put in during the test. This will get better over several hours.
Things to watch out for
- Severe pain in the neck, chest or abdomen
- Your bowel motions start to turn black
- Fever
- Vomiting
If you develop any of the above please ask seek medical advice from
- GP in working hours
- 111 out of hours or for urgent advice the nearest A&E department
Calderdale A&E 01422 222325 Huddersfield A&E 01484 342396
If you attend A&E please take a copy of the report with you.
Follow up
Dependent on the nature of the finding you may need further investigations, these will be arranged by your referring clinician.