Looking after your baby
In recent years there has been a huge change in what we understand about how our babies develop and what they need from their parents and carers to thrive and enjoy happier and healthier lives.
Research is now showing that one of the most important things in a child’s first 1000 days (conception to age 2) is the love it receives from its parent/s or primary caregivers. You cannot spoil your baby with cuddles and love, infact the more you respond to your baby’s needs, the better
For all the latest advice on baby brain development and the importance of bonding and attachment can be found here: Building a happy baby: A Guide for Parents Leaflet - Baby Friendly Initiative (unicef.org.uk) (links to an external website)
Changing your baby’s nappy
Change whenever wet or dirty to avoid nappy rash. Find a safe surface and gather your things together. Take off the nappy and clean baby thoroughly wiping from front to back to avoid urine infections. Make sure you get into all the creases. Dispose of the dirty nappy and put a clean one on!
NHS Film
Bathing your baby
Make sure your room is warm and prepare your bath water before you undress baby. Clean baby’s face first and nappy area before lifting into the bathwater. They will be slippery so hold firmly supporting the shoulders and bottom. Dry thoroughly afterwards, and never, ever leave them alone in water!
Coping with your crying baby
The key message here is that its always best to respond to your baby’s cries, don’t leave them to ‘cry it out’. However most parents will at some point feel really stressed about their baby’s crying and when you do, it’s safer to hand your baby to someone else, or put them down in a safe place and take 5 minutes to calm down.
I – Infant crying is normal
C –Comforting methods can help
O – It’s OK to walk away
N – Never, ever shake a baby
ICON - Babies cry you can cope - Advice and Support | ICON (iconcope.org) (links to an external website)
Caring for your baby at night
This leaflet covers a range of topics, including getting some rest, night feeding, safe sleeping environments and helping baby to settle.
Caring for your baby at night leaflet - Baby Friendly Initiative (unicef.org.uk) (links to an external website)
You can also visit our page ‘Where will my baby sleep? - CHFT (cht.nhs.uk) (links to an internal site)
Safety and Car Seats
Most accidents are preventable. Find out about the many risks to your baby and how to keep them safe, don’t find out the hard way.
Main causes of accident and injury | Child Accident Prevention Trust (capt.org.uk) (links to an external website)
The right car seat for my child (capt.org.uk) (links to an external website)