Maternity Assessment Centre

How to find us:
We are located in the Maternity Unit at Calderdale Royal Hospital. From the Womens and Childrens entrance take lift 5 up to the second floor and turn right at maternity reception. There is a doorbell/intercom on the wall near the door.
Opening hours:
Open 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Phone: 01422 224392

If you are worried about your health or your baby
If you are at least 16 weeks pregnant or had your baby in the past 28 days and have concerns regarding the following, you can self-refer to MAC at any time of the day or night.
- Baby’s movements
- Vaginal Bleeding
- Abdominal pain
- Think your ‘waters’ have broken
- Think you are in labour
- If you are planning to birth your baby on either Birth Centres or at Home and you think you are in labour, please contact the Birth Centre directly.
Your first point of contact for pregnancy related health problems should be your Community Midwife or GP where appropriate. There are dedicated community advice lines where you can speak directly to a Midwife Monday to Friday 08.30 – 16.00hrs.

You can check out your symptoms here.
However, please do not hesitate to pick up the phone and speak to one of our Midwives if you are worried about yourself or your baby, remember #AlwaysAsk.
Other reasons you may attend MAC?
- You may be referred to MAC by your Midwife, GP, Antenatal Clinic or other departments in the Trust for further assessment or follow up care related to your pregnancy.
- On-going monitoring of raised blood pressure
- On-going monitoring of cholestasis of pregnancy (liver condition in pregnancy)
- Concerns regarding baby’s movements
- On-going monitoring of a suspected small baby
- Assessment if you think your ‘waters’ have broken
- Abdominal pain and/or vaginal bleeding
- Outpatient Induction of labour (if low risk)
- Assessment if in labour
- Any other concerns about you or your pregnancy
- Concerns after you have had your baby, if requested by a GP/Community Midwife
What to expect
If you have not already been referred to MAC please always phone first to refer yourself. A Midwife will discuss your symptoms and concern/s over the phone and will either provide appropriate advice and/or arrange for you to attend for assessment. You may be:
- Advised to attend immediately to the Birth Unit you have chosen
- Advised to attend MAC as soon as possible for a face-to-face assessment
- Provided with an appointment to attend for assessment in MAC
- Advised to see your GP/Community Midwife
- Advised to attend A+E if not a pregnancy related concern and considered necessary
When you attend
- Please bring your Maternity Notes
- We aim to do an initial midwifery assessment within 30 minutes of admission
- You will be reviewed by an obstetrician if appropriate
- Individual cases will be prioritised according to clinical need
- There is a comfortable waiting area
Following a full assessment you may be:
- Discharged home by the midwife/doctor
- Given on-going appointments for further monitoring in MAC and / or antenatal clinic
- Admitted to hospital for on-going care if considered necessary