Baby in the womb

Building a happy and healthy baby begins way before they are born. Every baby needs nourishment and nurturing in the womb to give them their best start in life. Compared to other mammals, human babies are under-developed and helpless when first born, but they will have learned enough in the womb to recognise their parents’ voices and cry for them. Babies need to stay close to their parents to receive continued nourishment and nurturing, for their survival. We call this feeding, cuddling, caring and loving!

How baby develops and learns in the womb

Epigenetics – Changing your child’s future health

How your baby grows before being born, how they are fed after birth, and the environment they live in for the first 2 years of life determines whether or not your baby will have a high risk for disease in later life.

In this fascinating talk by Dr Kent Thornburg, he explains how new revelations from medical science mean that we can change the future for our children's health. He explains this in terms of pregnancy and birth and makes some fascinating revelations!

The epidemic of chronic disease and understanding epigenetics | Tedx Portland

The first 1000 days, from conception to 2 years old

Experts worldwide now agree that the first 1000 days of a baby’s life, and the care given to them from conception to the child’s 2nd birthday, are the most significant days in the child's development. Good nutrition and responsive parenting are the foundations of a healthy brain in your child.

Your Baby’s Movements tell you that they are ok

Get to know your baby’s movements! It is NOT TRUE that babies move less towards the end of pregnancy. If you are worried about your baby’s movements DO NOT WAIT until the next day to seek advice, phone the Maternity Assessment Centre.