Coping with hair loss
HeadWrappers is a free hair-loss advisory service, focusing on alternatives to wigs and providing practical support for anyone experiencing hair loss as a result of cancer treatment.
Our aim is to help people look good and to feel more confident about themselves as they undergo cancer treatment that may cause hair loss. We are delighted to now be working with the Macmillan team at the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust.
Click here to visit our you tube channel or our website for online tutorials
Step by step tutorials showing various techniques for tying scarves of different shapes and sizes.

To join a session please register by clicking here.
We will then send out a scarf and various accessories.
During the hour long session, you can expect to be -
- shown scarf tying techniques using various shapes and sizes of scarves
- provided practical tips for hair and scalp care
- able to talk through concerns over hair loss
“It was perfect”
“I found my experience amazing, incredibly valuable - I was shown more options than I was expecting and discovered things I didn't even know existed, was pointed in the direction of further help - I couldn't think how to have made my experience any better!”
“Keep doing what you are doing. I had no idea how many things you could do with a scarf. I hope others got out if it what I did. I went out yesterday for the first time wearing a scarf. Thank you”
Additional resources
Macmillan provide a patient information booklets, please the text which will open the information in a new webpage.
Wig Fitting Service
This service is provided by a trained hairdresser. The service is available at Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary. Referral by Consultant only using telephone and follow-up fax referral form.
Address: Hospital Appliances and Orthotics Services
Tel/Fax: 01484 34 ext 7089 / 2402
Referral Procedures
For further information regarding the referral process for each of the services please contact the Information Centre on 01422 222709.