Stroke Psychology
On this page
1. About us
The stroke psychology service works as part of the multi-disciplinary stroke team based at the hospital to provide support for individuals who have experienced a stroke. Specifically, the service offers assessment and support for the cognitive, emotional and behavioural changes that may follow a stroke.
2. Meet the team
Dr James Hall - Principal Clinical Psychologist in Stroke Medicine

Kirsty Sharp - Secretary

3. What can you expect at your appointment?
A member of the psychology team will come and speak to you on the ward. You will likely be asked about your experience of the stroke, your current difficulties, and the impact that this has had on your life. This may include discussions about how you feel and your mood, and how the stroke has affected your thinking or cognition (this includes things like your memory and concentration). They may also carry out some tasks to examine your thinking in more detail. With your permission the member of the psychology team may also speak to someone who knows you well. They may also attend one, or a number, of your other therapy sessions (again with your permission).
Following on from this assessment, a plan would be agreed between you and the member of the team based on what you have discussed. Options may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
- The offer of therapy or support to help you to understand and cope with the emotional impact of stroke. This could involve meeting regularly on the ward during your admission.
- Further, more detailed, assessment of your thinking skills.
- You may be given advice and strategies to help with your thinking (cognitive rehabilitation). This may be done alongside other members of the team such as Occupational Therapy.
- Advice on ways to get further support or advice (signposting), especially if due to be discharged.
- The offer of support or therapy for members of your family.
- The development of recommendations or guidelines on how to support you. These may be provided to the staff working with you, or your family.
4. Where will the Stroke Psychology service be offered?
Calderdale Royal Hospital, Halifax

5. How can you be referred to the service?
People referred to this service must have suffered a stroke and be an inpatient at Calderdale Royal Hospital. Patients are identified and referred by members of the stroke team.
We do not accept self-referrals, or referrals for patients who are not in hospital.
6. Contact Us
Our secretary can be contacted on 01422 222058 Monday to Friday during 8.30-4pm.
7. Other useful information
- Samaritans Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress and despair. 116 123