SUN Conference
Simulation User Network Conference

‘Creating a sustainable Simulation programme to ensure patient safety’
CHFT hosted a Simulation User Network Conference sponsored by Laerdal Medical, at the Learning and Development Centre Calderdale Royal Hospital on Thursday 27thOctober.
The objective of the day was to highlight and disseminate areas of good practice and innovations from within the host organisations, with participation from any external collaboration also.
Key areas of interest are taken from fields that are currently our emerging drivers for patient safety such as resuscitation, Simulation as a service development, ‘In Situ’ simulation, Nestled project, YODELs and the role of advancing technology in simulation.
Speakers are the trust experts and innovators from within the fields and the persons with the remit to move the service forward. CHFT and medical education has been a major support system to this emergent service. Clinical Skills and Simulation Team are proud to present this day and showcase our rapidly advancing service.
A great day was had by all who attended .
Follow the link on the main title to see out twitter feeds from the day