The Children’s Epilepsy team provides care and support to Children & Young People who have a diagnosis of epilepsy, and their families, living mainly but not exclusively within Calderdale…
If you are unable to attend your appointment, or need to change it to a more convenient time, please let us know as soon as possible, as this will allow us to offer the appointment to someone…
CHFT’s digital strategy builds on the significant investments made to date and the successful delivery of projects that have led to demonstrable benefits to both our patients and colleagues…
The Trust recognises there is a need to improve sustainable access to CRH.
An Estate-wide Sustainable Travel Plan that promotes access to both CRH and HRI by sustainable modes of transport…
The detailed design and appearance of the two proposals at CRH have not yet been confirmed.
Your input will be considered alongside other partners/stakeholders and statutory consultees and will…
The reconfiguration plans require a new, fully integrated, purpose-built hospital building. In order to free up land to facilitate the new building and meet the additional demands the additional…
A number of key locational and physical considerations that have been identified as key drivers in informing future development parameters which are key principles for the development proposals,…
We are proposing to build a state-of-the-art A&E department at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary (HRI).
The A&E department will accommodate the following:
Majors and Minors Treatment…
In addition to the A&E works at HRI there are a number of capital schemes that we are undertaking on the wider site. These include:
Refurbishing and improvements to wards and theatres …
The Trust recognises there is a need to improve sustainable access to HRI. An Estate wide Sustainable Travel Plan that promotes access to both HRI and CRH by sustainable modes of transport…
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