Children's Community Nursing Team
The Children's community Nursing Team Service is a team of highly trained Paediatric Nurses and Healthcare Assistants, all of whom have a wealther of experience in caring for children and young people in the community. Based within the team are also the Children's Lead Nurses for Oncology and Cystic Fibrosis.
The Children's Community Nursing Team see children and young people from when they are born until their 18th birthday.
Children and young people are referred to CCNT with a specific and identified nursing needs for acceptance of a referral. To discuss any referrals, please do not hesitate to contact the office for advice.
The children who require community care will be allocated a Registered Children's Community Nurse who oversees the planning and delivery of care and its evaluation. Day-to-day care is delivered as a team approach by all Community Nurses and Healthcare Assistants and the team work closely with children, parents and all other relevant professionals involved.
The Children's Community Nursing Team:
- Provide support, general advice and information for families in a variety of settings.
- Carry out home or appropriate setting visits, carrying out assessments and delivering treatment plans.
- The team will work in partnership with families and the children and young people to negotiate and support their individual care needs.
- The CCNT will support families, children and young people using a multiagency approach and will work within a wider team to contribute to provide the best care possible for the individuals circumstances.
- Provide specialist training for parents and carers when required as appropriate.
- Support and offer training to staff in educational settings, alongside families enabling them to meet children's health needs as appropriate.
- Support and facilitate early discharge home for acute hospital setting, providing support in the community where appropriate, working alongside the Children's Outreach Service, attached to inpatient areas at CHFT.
- Support palliative patients in the community with the support of local hospice's and other agencies involved with the child and family, for example Leeds Mcmillan Team.

Contact details
Email address:
Contact number: 01484 342872. Message should be left when possible. At busy times, the messages will be picked up at regular intervals throughout the day.