Patient Initiated Follow Up (PIFU)
What is a ‘patient-initiated follow-up’ (PIFU)?
A patient-initiated follow-up, also known as PIFU, means that you are in control of making your own follow-up appointments should you need one, or if your circumstances change.
Attending regular outpatient appointments scheduled by the hospital can cause unnecessary anxiety and may not always be required. Sometimes, your condition may flare up in between regular booked appointments and it is during this time that you may need our advice
PIFU is not a replacement for urgent medical advice. If you require urgent medical advice, you should contact your GP, NHS 111, your local walk-in centre or, if you are very unwell, your local Emergency Department (A&E).
The gynaecology team will discuss with you if your condition is suitable for PIFU, instead of regular/ or a one off follow up appointment scheduled by the hospital. Your GP will be informed of this by letter.
The service is quick and easy to use.
Only use PIFU for the condition on your card
Your PIFU plan is only for the condition stated on your card and will last for a specific amount of time. Your hospital care team will discuss this with you. At the end of your stated PIFU end date you will be discharged back to your GP.
Your PIFU card:

Simply complete the contact form below ensuring you complete all details required. You can find the condition and consultant name on your wallet PIFU card.
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) ensures that the NHS listens to patients, relatives, carers and friends, answer questions and resolves concerns as quickly as possible.