Medical and Dental Roles
Development Opportunities
If you want to join a supportive and friendly team providing compassionate care then look at our opportunities for medical and dental staff and help us achieve ‘outstanding’ in the next CQC inspection.
It is important to us that every employee has the opportunity to be reach their full potential and “be their best self”, so we have created a number of posts to ensure that there is a role for everyone, in addition to being a Consultant/Associate Specialist/Specialty Doctor/Doctor in Training from Health Education England.
These include;
- ‘FY3’ roles – These roles have been developed for post FY2 doctors who are looking to further their experience in the Acute setting and offer flexibility in terms of expanding experience or working in a new specialty. Posts can be tailored to the individuals’ needs and can incorporate opportunities to undertake research, audit, and flexible working arrangements.
- Certificate of Equivalence for Specialist Registration (CESR) opportunities – these posts are intended to provide the clinician with the support and training required to successfully attain all the necessary competencies to attain Specialist Registration and subsequently a Consultant post. We have a number of Locum Consultants and Specialty Doctors utilising these opportunities in different specialties. We have a dedicated SAS Lead Tutor who attained Specialist Registration through this route and who can offer support and tailor educational sessions where required.
- Medical Training Initiatives – MTI doctors have been appointed in conjunction with the Royal Colleges in a number of Specialties including; Anaesthesia, Paediatrics, Diabetes and Endocrinology and Obstetrics.
- Global Fellow in Radiology – working alongside the Royal College of Radiologists and Morecambe Bay NHS Trust we have already appointed to a number of posts and hope to progress this scheme further in the future.
- Trust Doctors – these roles are available in different specialties and are designed to mirror the opportunities available to Doctors in Training.
- Specialty Doctors and Associate Specialists – the Board signed up to the SAS charter in 2018, recognising the outstanding contribution from our SAS doctors.
- Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Calderdale Royal Hospital will both provide 24/7 consultant-led A&E services.