Clinical Assessment Service (CAS)
The Clinical Assessment Service looks after your referral to Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.
- When your GP refers you to a service at the hosptial a specialist clinician will look at all of the information provided to decide on the best way to plan your care.
- This helps us to make sure you see the right person as quickly as possible.

This is usually because the clinician has decided that you do not need to be seen at the hospital.
The clinician will return the referral with some advice for your GP.
This could mean that your GP is able to manage your condition with the advice provided.

If the clinician decides that you need to be seen at the hospital they will contact you.
You will receive a letter advising you about your appointment along with any other insructions.
The type of appointment you receive will depend on what works best for your condition.

The tests you have will depend on your condition.
You will be contacted and someone from the hospital will explain what you need to do.
Once the results of the tests come back then the clinician can decide the next steps.
What happens after I am referred to a CAS by my GP?
- A message will be sent to you confirming that we have received a referral from your GP.
- The referral will be added to a waiting list for clinical review, we will be in touch once the review has been completed with the CAS contact number.
- The referral may be returned to tyour GP with feedback as to why.
- You may not be offered an appointment.
- You may be offered a face to face/ Video or telephone appointment.
- You could be asked to do some tests or for further investigations.
What do I need to do?
You don’t need to do anything. You will be contacted by the department for the next steps after your referral has been received.
What sort of tests might I need to have?
There are lots of different tests you may be asked to have. Below is a list of common tests that are requested as part of the CAS treatment pathway with an explanation for each.
Spirometry – a simple breathing test to check the size of your lungs
Pulmonary function – a detailed breathing test to check the size of your lungs and how well they take up oxygen
Overnight oximetry – measures your breathing pattern and oxygen levels at night
X-ray - takes a picture of a part of your body. Click here for more information.
Chest X-ray – takes a picture of your lungs. Click here for more information.
CT scan – a more detailed x-ray test to look for lung damage. Click here for more information.
MRI scan - takes pictures of inside the body. Click here for more information.
Endoscopy - a test to look inside your body with a camera. Click here for more information.
You may be asked to have certain blood tests depending on your condition. Click here for more information.
What if I don't agree with the decision made in the clinical assessment service?
If you’d like to raise concerns please visit the Patient Advice and Complaints Service web page to find out the best way to get in touch with us.