Patient information
Useful information can be found via the external website links below:
Versus Arthritis – a UK based source for accurate and reliable information about rheumatological disorders
- Versus Arthritis - What is Arthritis
- Versus Arthritis - Managing Symptoms and Flares
- Versus Arthritis - Treatments
- Versus Arthritis - Conditions
- Versus Arthritis - Exercise
- Versus Arthritis - Complimentary and Alternative therapies
- Versus Arthritis - Living with Arthritis
- Your Experiences – Real Life Stories
- Versus Arthritis – Contact Us
- Versus Arthritis - Support in Your Area
- Versus Arthritis - Common Aches and Pains
- British Society for Rheumatology (BSR)
- National Rheumatoid Arthitis Society (NRAS)
- National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society (NASS)
- Lupus UK (for patients with lupus who want to know more and be up to date)
- Fibromyalgia UK (fibromyalgia is difficult to manage and best options are an understanding)