Repeat prescription request

Please ensure that if you require a repeat prescription you have had an up to date blood test and that you request a repeat prescription 2 weeks prior to running out.

The Rheumatology service cannot accept responsibility for breaks in treatment as a result of the patient not complying with the blood monitoring requirements or waiting until medication has almost run out.  As a team we believe in empowering our patients to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

Rheumatology: Repeat prescription request

Repeat prescription request

If you are not up to date with your blood test please request one before filling in this form. Thank you.

You will receive an email to advise when your prescription is ready to collect

If you have been advised that your Injectable/Oral Homecare delivery medication prescription has been renewed, please be aware that it can take up to a week for the homecare company to get in touch.  Please note, if you are new to treatment, the registration process can sometimes take 2 weeks. 

Please see the Homecare Medicines Service patient information (links to an external website) to familiarise yourself with the process.